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Crash Comedy Show (Savannah, GA)

  • Sentient Bean 13 East Park Avenue Savannah, GA, 31401 United States (map)

The Crash Comedy Show” is an hour long, anything goes variety show created and curated by local comedian/improviser John R Brennan. Every show features a different cast of local comedians, musicians, and artist from all walks. This month will feature the sketch comedy duo ‘NAMELESS NUMBERHEAD.’ NAMELESS NUMBERHEAD is a sketch comedy duo based in Charleston, SC. Shows are written and performed by Maari Suorsa (original Off ­Broadway cast of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche) and Henry Riggs (Jeff Award winning co­writer of That Sordid Little Story). They met while studying improv in Chicago, Suorsa at The Annoyance Theatre and Riggs at iO. With backgrounds in theatre and music they create a more dynamic tapestry for their comedy shows. Although ‘The Crash Comedy Show’ is still in it’s infancy, the goal of the show is to provide a platform for artists of all backgrounds to experiment with their material in a supportive setting where anything goes regardless of pass/fail. Leave the kids at home.

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