The Crash Comedy Show” is an hour long, anything goes variety show created and curated by local comedian/improviser John R Brennan. Every show features a different cast of local comedians, musicians, and artist from all walks. This month will feature the sketch comedy duo ‘NAMELESS NUMBERHEAD.’ NAMELESS NUMBERHEAD is a sketch comedy duo based in Charleston, SC. Shows are written and performed by Maari Suorsa (original Off Broadway cast of 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche) and Henry Riggs (Jeff Award winning cowriter of That Sordid Little Story). They met while studying improv in Chicago, Suorsa at The Annoyance Theatre and Riggs at iO. With backgrounds in theatre and music they create a more dynamic tapestry for their comedy shows. Although ‘The Crash Comedy Show’ is still in it’s infancy, the goal of the show is to provide a platform for artists of all backgrounds to experiment with their material in a supportive setting where anything goes regardless of pass/fail. Leave the kids at home.
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