Rip City CHS is an experimental comedy/variety show that features original sketches, characters, music, performance art, and anything else in between. It's basically SNL of the South. The works are being performed for the first time for a live audience and the rotating cast keep the show different every month. Rip City CHS is curated & produced by Nameless Numberhead (Henry Riggs & Maari Suorsa).
June 24th @ Lofi Brewing
Doors at 7pm
Show at 8pm
Tickets are $12 in advance
$15 day of show
Follow the socials for more info:
Insta @ripcitychs
It’s not an open mic and but if you’re interested in going up at Rip City CHS the process is simple. Come see a show! Say hello to a performer at the show and tell them you’d like to get involved.